Webinar #14 - Landing on Jupyter: A guided tour of interactive notebooks

Friday, March 26th at 10am PDT/ 11am MDT/ 12pm CDT/ 1pm EDT
1-hour presentation followed by 30 minutes of discussion

Jupyter is an interactive interface to data science and scientific computing across a variety of programming languages. We will present the Jupyter notebook, and explain some key concepts (e.g., kernel, cells). We will show how to create a new notebook; modify an existing notebook; save, export, and publish a notebook. We will discuss several possible use cases: developing code, writing reports, taking notes, and teaching/presenting.

Goals of this webinar:

  • Learn what Jupyter notebooks are
  • Learn how to install, configure, and use Jupyter notebooks
  • Learn how to use Jupyter notebooks for research, teaching, or code development

Presented by:
Gregory Farage, PhD and Saunak Sen, PhD
Department of Preventive Medicine
University of Tennessee Health Science Center

Link to course material

Webinar flyer (pdf)